Tournament Lobby
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General Commands
These are commands that any player can type and does not require special permissions to use.
/transfer <amount> @playerType this command in a public channel to send funds to another user.
example: /transfer 5 @Dan#123 will send user @Dan234 $5.
Channel: any public channel
/supportReturns a link to the Tourney Bot support Discord server.
Channel: any public channel
/feedback Returns a link to our Google feedback survey.
Channel: any public channel
/team kick <team_ID> @mentionThis allows the a team creator or admin to remove a player from a team.
Channel: any public channel
/roster <team_size>Displays a roster of any teams you are on of that size.
example: /roster 5 will show you the members of the team of 5 you are on.
Channel: private match channel
/leaveThis will remove you from the event you are registered for.
Channel: #chat channel of the event you want to leave
Global Admin Commands
These commands can be typed in any channel that Tourney Bot can see and requires either admin perms or the Tournament Admin role.
/createtournament (/ct for short) Starts the tournament creation process in DMs.
Channel: any channel
/lobby create Starts the lobby creation process in DMs.
Channel: any channel
/scrims Triggers the scrims setup.
Channel: any channel
/team setup Creates the team management category and associated channels.
Channel: any channel
/registration create Creates an embed for players to use to create a Tournament Kings account. This will also allow your members to compete in events for prizes.
Channel: any channel
/role embed Creates an embed for players to receive the TK Verified Role.
Channel: any channel
/language Creates an embed allowing you to change Tourney Bot's language settings.
Channel: any channel
/lobby help Creates a help embed specific to lobby commands.
Channel: any channel
/helpCreates a help embed for admin commands.
Channel: any channel
Tournament Commands
These are commands that Tournament Admins can use to run Tournaments.
/createtournament(/ct for short) Starts the tournament creation process in DMs.
Channel: any channel
/startStarts the tournament.
Channel: admin channel
/readyup Creates an embed in #chat for players to react to ready-up. Players that don't ready-up will be kicked. You can also set your own timer if you don't want to use the default 3 minute one.
Channel: admin channel
/readyup <timer>This will override the default 3 minute ready-up timer to be whatever you put in seconds.
example: /readyup 120 will change the default timer to 120 seconds.
Channel: admin channel
/bracket privateHides the #bracket channel.
Channel: admin channel
/bracket publicUnhides the #bracket channel.
Channel: admin channel
/log privateHides the #log channel.
Channel: admin channel
/log publicUnhides the log channel
Channel: admin channel
/playercap <number> Sets the player cap of the tournament.
example: /playercap 10 will set the max participants to 10.
Channel: admin channel
/kick @playerKicks the specified player from the tournament.
Channel: admin channel
/ban @playerBans the specified player from the tournament.
Channel: admin channel
/score <match#> <top_seed_score> <bottom_seed_score>Overwrites the score in the match specified.
example: /score 1 3-0 would force the top seed of match 1 to win with a score of 3-0.
Channel: admin channel
/refreshReloads the bracket image in the #bracket channel.
Channel: bracket channel
/endEnds the tournament after the last match has been completed.
Channel: admin channel
/delete Deletes the category, channels and role associated with the tournament.
Channel: admin channel
/showprize falseHides the prize pools for events with an entry fee.
Channel: admin channel
/showprize trueUnhides the prize pools for events with an entry fee.
Channel: private match channel
/helpShows tournament specific commands.
Channel: admin or chat channel
Lobby Commands
These are commands that Admins can use to run lobbies.
/lobby readyup Sends a ready check to the lobby #chat channel. Users who do not react to this are kicked from the lobby.
Channel: admin channel
/lobby start pickup <#_of_participants> <team_size> Creates pickup games with your choice of players and team sizes.
example: /lobby start pickup 4 2 will start pickup games with a total of 4 players, it will then put these players into 2 person teams so there is 1 match of 2v2's.
Channel: any channel within the lobby
/lobby score pickup <match#> <top_seed_score> <bottom_seed_score> Overrides the score of a pickup match. Top and bottom seed players found in the results channel.
example: /lobby score pickup 3 0-1 will change the score for match 3 to 0-1.
Channel: any channel within the lobby
/lobby start ffa <players> <group_size> <winners_per_group> Creates random FFA matches made up from the people in the lobby.
example: /lobby start ffa 10 5 1 will create a game with 10 players in the lobby, splitting them up in groups of 5 and each game will only have 1 winner.
Channel: admin channel
/lobby score ffa <group_id> @player <position> This will override the score for a FFA game and place the mentioned player in the <position> entered in the group.
example: /lobby score ffa 1 @PartyPete 3 will position PartyPete in 3rd place for ffa group 1.
Channel: lobbyadmin channel
/lobby score ffa <group_id> <@_player(s)> This will override the score for a FFA game and place the players mentioned in descending order.
example: /lobby score ffa 1 @PartyPete @JollyJones @FeralFreddie @SadSam will put Pete in 1st, and Sam in last.
Channel: lobby admin channel
/lobby start group <players> <group_size> Creates round robin style matches from the players in the lobby.
example: /lobby start group 8 4, will create 2 groups of 4, and everyone plays each other in that group one time.
Channel: lobby admin channel
/lobby score group <match> <team_1_score>-<team_2_score> This will override the score of a group match.
example: /lobby score group 1234 2-0 will override the score for group match 1 to 2-0.
Channel: lobby admin channel
/lobby auto pickup <on:off> <team_size>Automatically runs pickup games every minute, can be stopped at any time.
example: /lobby auto pickup on 6, will run pickups with team sizes of 6 each time.
Channel: lobby admin channel
/lobby cancel <event>Cancels ongoing events of that type.
example: /lobby cancel pickup. To delete a specific match, do /lobby cancel pickup <match#>.
example 2: /lobby cancel pickup 12345.
Channel: lobby admin channel
/lobby next <event>This will start the next events if the event can have multiple rounds. FFA will start the next event with the winners and Groups would start the next event with new opponents for each player.
Channel: any public channel
/lobby clear Removes all players from a lobby.
Channel: lobby admin channel
/lobby playercap <number>Change the number of max players allowed in the lobby.
Channel: lobby admin channel
/lobby kick @playerLets you kick a player from the lobby.
Channel: lobby admin or chat channel
/lobby waitlist <on:off>Enables or disables the waitlist for the current lobby. Waitlists allow the players to join the lobby over the max player cap. If a player who is in the lobby leaves or is kicked, a player from the waitlist will then be added.
Channel: lobby admin channel
/lobby registrationsDisplays everyone who is registered for the lobby.
Channel: lobby admin channel
/lobby helpSends an embed with all the available lobby commands and information.
Channel: lobby admin channel
Scrims Commands
These are commands that Tournament Admins and players can use to run scrims.
/scrims Triggers setup (admin only).
Channel: any public channel
/scrims score Allows players to report the score of a round. Must be done after every game in a best of series.
Channel: private match channel
/scrims score help Provides more information about how to report scores.
Channel: private match channel
/scrims disputeAlerts the event admins that a score needs to be corrected in your match.
Channel: private match channel
/scrims dispute helpProvides additional information on how to edit and correct scores.
Channel: private match channel
/scrims leave Allows players to leave their current scrim.
Channel: private match channel
/scrims deleteDeletes the scrim match.
Channel: private match channel
/scrims helpReturns a list of commands you have access to.
Channel: private match channel
Direct Message Commands
These commands are sent in Direct Messages to Tourney Bot.
/account Allows users to view their account information, such as playable balance, cash balance, and TK gold balance.
Channel: DMs
/deposit Allows the user to deposit money to their account. A link to the Tournament Kings website will direct you to a page where you can securely transfer money with PayPal.
Channel: DMs
/cashout Sends the user to the Tournament Kings website to withdraw money from their account. This is then sent securely via PayPal to you.
Channel: DMs
/help Returns a list of DM commands.
Channel: DMs

- Just log in to your Betfair Casino account, head to our Slot Tournaments lobby and choose a Tournament. Then, make sure you play the right number of spins within the allotted time. Players in the top positions on the leaderboard will win the top prizes! How do you play Slot Tournaments?
- Thursday March 11th @ 8PM Tournament of Champions ( by invitation only ) at Poker Stars Friday March 26th @ 8PM Battle of the Leagues Ace's Up vs Poker Haven at Poker Stars. PLAYING @ POKERSTARS. 1. Log into PokerStars 2. Click Home Games tab then open CLUB LOBBY for Acesup Poker or BOL Club # 4720123 3.
Step 1:
Click here to add Tourney Bot to your Discord Server.
Step 2:
Select which of your servers you’d like to add Tourney Bot to.
Step 3:
Give Tourney Bot the proper permissions (as shown in the photo)
Recommended Setup
Too many messages in a channel will cause tournament cards to be pushed out of immediate visibility, so it is recommended that a designated #TournamentSignup channel be created with permission settings to restrict anyone other than the bot or tournament admins from typing in it.
The same goes for the Registration card, made with the '/registration create' command. A designated channel for only this card is recommended to allow quick and easy access.
Step 1:
Create a Registration card with the /registration create command in a discord channel that the bot has permissions to type in and edit.
From there click the reaction icon below the card to create your TK account.
Before being able to use the bot, users will first have to register their Discord account and accept the Terms of Service.
Step 2:
TK Bot will DM you with the following card. Click “Please click here to signup” to create your official TK account.
Please be aware, you’ll need to have your DM’s turned on so the bot can message you.
Step 3:
When taken to the site, click “Accept and Login” and authorize when prompted by Discord.
Your server members only need to register for a TK account when competing for cash prizes or adding funds to their TK Account.
In a public channel, type: /createtournament
This will begin the tournament creation process with the Bot in DMs.
Tourney Bot will ask you the following questions:
1. Tournament Name
2. Team Size (all teams will be required to have this many members)
3. Game being played
4. Bracket Type
5. Price (free or entry fee?)
6. Number of rounds per match.
7. Number of Teams or participants (depending on bracket type)
8. Game Platform
9. Rules & Information
The following channels will be created automatically once your tournament is launched:
This is where all action messages are sent:
- When a player leaves
- Whenever a player is kicked or banned
Tournament commands will not work in the #log channel
Non-Tournament admins are automatically restricted from typing in this channel
- This is the General chat channel for the specified tournament
- All users who enter the tournament have permission to type here
- Messages will also be sent here when starting the tournament and ending it
- This is where the embed showing the tournament bracket will be created
- The embed will automatically update after each match
- After the tournament is completed, the embed will change to show the winners and payouts
- Messages will also be sent here when starting the tournament and ending it.
Tournament Lobby Hypixel
- Match scoring embeds are sent to this channel.
Score is reported by reacting first with the score of the first team, and then the score of the second team. Score is then confirmed by reacting to the appropriate emote.
- Match results are shown here after being confirmed in the #score-matches channel
- Users can react with the given 'X' to dispute matches
- This is where admins will use all of their commands to manage the tournament.
- Start embeds and ready up embeds will show here as well
Paying The Entry Fee
Players registering for your event will have the entry fee automatically deducted from their Tournament Kings account.
The entry fee is set by the organizer and can range between $.25 and $50,000
Distributing Cash Prizes
Payout options include:
Winner takes all, Top 2, Top 3, & Top 8
Funds are distributed via Paypal.
Scrims are the best way for community members to create custom matches and compete against one another for cash or bragging rights - without the need of an admin!
Step 1:
type /scrims in any public Discord channel. Tourney Bot will reply with a message (admins only)
Step 2:
React to Tourney Bot's message with the shown emote to trigger setup.
Setup Command (ADMIN):
/scrims Triggers setup (admin only).
Channel: any public channel
Player Commands
/scrims score Allows players to report the score of a round. Must be done after every game in a best of series.
Channel: private match channel
/scrims score help Provides more information about how to report scores.
Channel: private match channel
/scrims disputeAlerts the event admins that a score needs to be corrected in your match.
Channel: private match channel
/scrims dispute helpProvides additional information on how to edit and correct scores.
Channel: private match channel
/scrims leave Allows players to leave their current scrim.
Channel: private match channel
/scrims deleteDeletes the scrim match.
Channel: private match channel
/scrims helpReturns a list of commands you have access to.
Channel: private match channel
Admin Commands
/scrims score <team(a)_score> - <team(b)_score> Overrides a score on A disputed scrims match before it has ended.
example: /scrims score 2-3 would update the score to TEAM(a): 2 & TEAM(b): 3
Channel: private match channel
/scrims delete Deletes the match of the channel you're in.
Channel: private match channel
/scrims help Displays a list of admin only commands
Channel: private match channel
In a public channel, type: /team setup
Tourney Bot will instantly create the Team Management category (must have admin perms).
Step 1:
Head to the #create-team channel created by an admin.
Step 2:
Locate the Team Creator card and react to the emote shown.
Step 3:
Tourney Bot will DM and walk you through the setup process.
Step 1:
Head to the #join-team channel created by an admin.
Step 2:
Locate your team's card and react to the emote shown.
Step 3:
The team creator will receive a DM letting them know you are trying to join. From there it is up to them to let you in.
Step 1:
type /lobby create in any public channel Tourney Bot has access to.
Step 2:
Tourney Bot will DM you directly to walk you through the lobby setup
Step 3:
After the setup has been completed, Tourney Bot will automatically create a category with your Lobby's name and fill it with the following channels:
All notifications of players joining/leaving will be sent here.
This is where pickup game ranks will be shown. It will automatically update after each scored pickup game.
This is where match results from pickups in the lobby will be posted.
A locked channel that only members of the lobby can participate in
This is the intended place for tournament admins to put their commands.
Step 4:
Tourney Bot will create a players registration card in the channel you initiated setup in. Make sure players react to this card so they can access your lobby.
Step 1:
in admin channel of your lobby type /lobby start ffa (#_participants) (group_size) (winners_per_group)
example: /lobby start ffa 10 5 1 will create a game with 10 players in the lobby, splitting them up in groups of 5 and each game will only have 1 winner.
Step 2:
Tourney Bot will create the following channel based on your input:
FFA group results will be posted in this channel in the form of embeds showing all winners of each group.
Embeds with all participating players in the group will be sent here, and players will be given the opportunity to score their matches here as well.
Step 3:
Participants play their games and log their placement via the #scores channel. The game will not progress until the scores are confirmed by an admin.
Step 4:
Once all scores have been confirmed type /lobby next ffa in the admin channel to progress the event until you no longer wish to.
Mid-Week $1,000 Cash Tournaments
The weekend poker tournaments on ClubWPT™ are legendary but did you also know we have some fun and exciting $1,000 No-Limit Hold'Em Cash tournaments during the middle of the week?
Liberty Slots Mobile Tournament Lobby
That's right! We're spreading a $1,000 guaranteed prize pool cash tournament nightly Tuesday thru Thursday to satisfy your craving for poker on the virtual felt – right from the comfort and safety of your own home.
East To West And 80 Cash Payouts In Between
The U.S. is a big country with several time zones and in order to spread the love around, we're offering these mid-week $1K tournaments at three separate times, as a way to give most of our players the benefit of playing early evening in a great $1,000 cash tournament during the middle of the week.
Aptly named East, Central and West respectively, they all start at 8:00 PM local time on their corresponding day of the week. And with the top 80 finishers earning a cash payout in each tournament, what's not to love?
Dates & Times
- $1,000 EASTERN: Mondays @ 8:00 Eastern Standard Time(8:00 PM in the Tournament Lobby)
- $1,000 CENTRAL: Tuesdays @ 8:00 Central Standard Time(9:00 PM in the Tournament Lobby)
- $1,000 MOUNTAIN: Wednesdays @ 8:00 Mountain Standard Time(10:00 PM in the Tournament Lobby)
- $1,000 PACIFIC: Thursdays @ 8:00 Pacific Standard Time(11:00 PM in the Tournament Lobby)
Tournament Details
Tournament Start | Registration Opens | Game Details | Prize Pool | Lobby Name |
Mondays @ 8:00 PM ET* (8:00 PM Lobby Time*) | Mondays @ 6:00 PM ET* (6:00 PM Lobby Time*) | No-Limit Texas Hold'Em Buy-In: 400 TPs Starting Stack: 2,000 Blind Levels: 6 min | $1,000 | $1,000 Eastern |
Tuesdays @ 8:00 PM CT* (9:00 PM Lobby Time*) | Tuesdays @ 6:00 PM CT* (7:00 PM Lobby Time*) | $1,000 Central | ||
Wednesdays @ 8:00 PM MT* (10:00 PM Lobby Time*) | Wednesdays @ 6:00 PM MT* (8:00 PM Lobby Time*) | $1,000 Mountain | ||
Thursdays @ 8:00 PM PT* (11:00 PM Lobby Time*) | Thursdays @ 6:00 PM PT* (9:00 PM Lobby Time*) | $1,000 Pacific |
Tournament Lobby Ml

- Please see our Official Tournament Rules for more information.
- *Dates and times of ClubWPT online tournaments are subject to change without further notice. Please check the poker lobby for the most up-to-date information.
Payout Structure
1-10 | Payout | TPs | 13-200 | Payout | TPs |
1st | $150 | 2,000 | 21-30th | $5 | 900 |
2nd | $125 | 1,900 | 31-40th | $5 | 800 |
3rd | $75 | 1,800 | 41-50th | $5 | 750 |
4th | $75 | 1,700 | 51-60th | $5 | 700 |
5th | $50 | 1,600 | 61-70th | $5 | 650 |
6th | $50 | 1,500 | 71-80th | $5 | 600 |
7th | $25 | 1,400 | 81-90th | - | 550 |
8th | $20 | 1,300 | 91-100th | - | 500 |
9th | $15 | 1,200 | 101-150th | - | 450 |
10th | $15 | 1,100 | 151-400th | - | 400 |
11-20th | $10 | 1,000 | - | - | - |
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Enjoy playing poker online at the official website of the World Poker Tour® FREE for 14 days* for and a chance to win $100,000 in cash & prizes each month, including a televised WPT® Main Event seat VIP package, entry into the the weekly featured cash poker tournaments, access to all of our exciting social casino games, SaversGuide® membership, discounts on official World Poker Tour® gear at ShopWPT™, ScoreBig™ discounts, AND, the chance to win the ClubWPT™ $1,000,000 Bonus during 2020.*
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